On Saturday March 4th, there will be a community event to celebrate St Pirantide and all things Cornish.
From 10 am till 3 pm, in White River Place, there will be Cornish Music, Local Crafts, Stalls, Guess the name of the Teddy, Cornish Language Corner and Heritage groups
Also Music in the Market House plus a craft fair and two performances by Playmake Theatre. (TBC)
At 1.30 pm there will be a parade of Troubadours around the town. Start gathering at 1 pm.
And a Trelawney shout after the parade.
The Rescorla Centre in association with the Institute of Cornish Studies, and the University of Exeter to hold a Cornish Cultural Conference in Holy Trinity Church. Time TBC.
More details from St. Austell BID. Phone: 07794910858. Email: staustellbid@gmail.com. Website: staustellbid.co.uk