
Pewasow Gorsedh Kernow

Gorsedh Kernow Awards

The Gorsedh Kernow Awards seek to foster and promote the national Celtic spirit of Cornwall, through awarding Awen Medals for outstanding creative and community work that expresses Cornish identity and culture.

Read on to learn how to nominate someone for a Gorsedh Kernow Awen Award, or enter your own work for a Certificate of Recognition Award. Please note that there is also an award scheme for young people. (See Young People’s Awards details below.) Closing date is 23rd April 2024.

 Gorsedh Kernow Awen Medals

 These specially-commissioned and designed Awen medals, featuring the Gorsedh Kernow Awen symbol of inspiration, are awarded to individuals or groups who make an outstanding contribution to the Celtic spirit of Cornwall. The judging panel welcome diverse interpretations of this theme. Professional work is included. There are two categories of Awen Medal:

  1. Creativity/Awenekter
  2. Community/Kemeneth

All nominations must be submitted electronically to in a PDF or Word document. If this is difficult for you please contact us in good time at so that we can make other arrangements.

Please state clearly in your Nomination Document:

  1. The name and email address of the person you are nominating.
  2. Your own email address.
  3. The category (Creativity/Awenekter or Community/Kemeneth) for which you are nominating someone.
  4. A detailed description of the individual or group’s contributions showing how they meet the award criteria. This can be up to 750 words and should include images or links to supporting material. These may also be attached to the email.

Please note that:

– The winners will be asked to give limited copyright permission to Gorsedh Kernow to feature aspects of their work in live and/or online exhibitions.

– Entries will be acknowledged and winners will be contacted.

– We cannot provide feedback and the judgement of the awarding panel is final.

 Certificates of Recognition

 Gorsedh Kernow seeks to encourage and promote Cornish culture, and values the expression of the national Celtic spirit of Cornwall. Our Certificates of Recognition scheme enables anyone to submit their own work and have a chance of winning a Gorsedh Kernow Award. Successful entrants will be awarded a Certificate of Recognition. Outstanding work in any category may be awarded an Awen medal.

Please note we can only accept ONE submission by an individual in any category. You may make a submission on behalf of someone else, with their agreement.


  1. Skrif Kernewek/ Cornish-language Writing

This category is designed to encourage writing in our native language. Entries are welcome at all levels of fluency. You are invited to submit a short story (hwedhel berr), an essay (yeth plen) or  poetry (gwersyow) up to a word limit of 2000 words for prose or 100 lines for poetry. We welcome accompanying video or audio recordings of the work, but this is not compulsory.

  1. Cornish Dialect/ Rannyeth

This category is designed to encourage writing in Cornish Dialect. You are invited to submit either one story (up to 2000 words) or a poem (up to 100 lines). We welcome accompanying video or audio recordings of the work, but this is not compulsory.

  1. Cornish Study/ Studhyans Kernewek.

 This category rewards research into, and writing about, the distinctive identity of Cornwall. Entrants should submit an in-depth study of one aspect of Cornish culture up to 10,000 words. This should be submitted as a PDF or Word file and may be written in Kernewek or English. 

  1. Creative Work/ Ober Awenekter

 This category recognises new creative work, in any medium, that expresses and promotes the Celtic spirit of Cornwall. This could include new projects in the visual, musical or performance arts, and unpublished short creative writing in English. Examples could include: a new song, a new dance performance, a short story, a photography portfolio, an exhibition or a film.  Entrants should provide evidence of the project (including any text, images or films) and a brief explanation of the work.

How to enter:

Send your nomination to, including the work, or evidence of the work, and a brief Submission Document, in PDF or Word format, by 23rd April 2024. If this is difficult for you please contact us in good time at

Please state clearly:

  1. The name and email address of the person you are nominating (yourself or someone else).
  2. The category (see above) for which you are submitting work.
  3. Where appropriate a brief (250-word max) statement of why the work expresses or promotes the Celtic spirit of Cornwall.
  4. Your own email details if you are submitting someone else’s work.

For Categories 1, 2, & 3 attach a PDF or Word file. For Category 4 attach digital files of images, sound files, or embedded links in the Submission Document as appropriate. Please note that:

– Should an award be made, you will be asked to give limited copyright permission to Gorsedh Kernow to feature the work in live and/or online exhibitions.

– We will acknowledge entries and contact winners.

– We cannot provide feedback and the judgment of the awarding panel is final.

The Young People’s Scheme is open to whole school classes, groups and individuals. There is a range of categories including music, dance, Cornish language, study projects, art and design, and creative writing. This year we are also working in Partnership with Golden Tree’s Go Cornish programme in primary schools.

The Young People’s Awards are also presented at a special awards ceremony and work may be exhibited at the Esedhvos in September.

Leaflets for the Young People’s Awards give more information. Click here for the leaflet and the form.

If you have any further questions, please contact us via these emails:

Esedhvos 2024 Gorsedh Kernow Awards ceremony

Esedhvos 2024 Gorsedh Kernow Awards ceremony

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Gorsedh Kernow Adult Awards 2024 announced

A range of creative and community activity has been recognised in this year’s Gorsedh KernowAwards. The Grand Bard’s award goes to musician Will Keating for his promotion of Cornishmusic and second album and for his work with schoolchildren in Camborne.Reflecting the...

Gorsedh Young People’s Awards Winners 2024

Gorsedh Kernow’s Awards judges were delighted with the quality and variety of this year’s submissions, showing a sense of pride in Cornwall, its language, landscape, history, culture and people. It was very pleasing to receive an increased number of school...

Pewasow Gorsedh Kernow 2024

Pewasow Gorsedh Kernow 2024

The Gorsedh Kernow Awards 2024 are now open for all to enter. The Awards celebrate and honour those who express the Celtic spirit of Cornwall in creative or community work.  The scheme caters for all ages, with Young People’s’ Awards up to age 18, over 18 Awards and...

Award Presentation to Matthi ab Dewi

Award Presentation to Matthi ab Dewi

Matthi was awarded the medal, Pewas Mab Hirnans, for outstanding contribution to the Cornish Language. This award is in memory of Mab HIrnans, Stephen Gainey. Unfortunately Matthi was unable to attend the Awards ceremony in Padstow in September so he was presented...

Gorsedh Kernow Awards ceremony in Padstow 2023

Gorsedh Kernow Awards ceremony in Padstow 2023

On Friday 1st. September young people and adults received their certificates, Awen badges and Awen medals from Grand Bard Pol Hodge. Keslowena - congratulations - to all the winners. Photographer: Gareth Parry COR = Certificate of recognition CoAA = Community Awen...

Gorsedh Kernow Awards – video presentation

Gorsedh Kernow Awards – video presentation

You can watch a video listing of the 2023 Gorsedh Kernow Award winners and commended entries here:

Gorsedh Kernow announces the Young People Awards winners 2023

Gorsedh Kernow is pleased to announce the winners of this year’s awards. The judges were delighted with the quality and sense of pride in Cornwall, its landscape, history, culture and people in this year’s submissions. In particular they were delighted to receive an...

Gorsedh Kernow Adult Awards 2023 announced

Gorsedh Kernow Adult Awards 2023 announced

Groundbreaking music, in classical and pop traditions, has been recognised in this year’s Gorsedh Kernow Awards. The Grand Bard’s award goes to writer Fiona O’Cleirigh and composer Ben Sutcliffe, whose magnificent ‘Stations of the Cross’ performed by the Breselor...

Launch of Gorsedh Kernow Children’s Awards 2023

Launch of Gorsedh Kernow Children’s Awards 2023

Gorsedh Kernow is delighted to announce that the Gorsedh Kernow Young People’s Awards scheme for 2023 is now open for entries. Open to children and young people under 18 years, the Awards seek to encourage learning, understanding and promotion of Cornish culture and...

Gorsedh Awards in Previous Years

Here are videos of the Awards Entries in previous years:

2020   2019   2018   2017

And here are photos of the previous years’ Presentation Evenings for Awards Winners:

2019   2018   2017   2016