On-line 2021

An Fundyans Rak Studhyans Kernewek – The Institute of Cornish Studies are holding a free on-line event on St Piran’s Day, Friday 5 March 2021, from 19:00 – 20:55 (GMT). A Cornish World/Bys Kernow, which explores Cornwall’s history and the part it plays within a global context – a small place making a big impact?

This will include a series of presentations by prestigious speakers who are experts, or have a particular interest in the field of Cornish Studies from the UK, USA and Australia. Following their presentations, the panel will be available to address attendee questions in a plenary facilitated by Dr Garry Tregidga and Dr Joanie Willett, Co-Directors of the Institute.

For further details and to book your free place, visit the Cornish World/Bys Kernow event webpage – https://humanities.exeter.ac.uk/history/research/centres/ics/events/upcomingevents/acornishworld/