On Saturday 31st. July a group of us met at Kresen Kernow to record a virtual ceremony which included the announcement of class and cup winners. You can see the video below and a gallery of participants. Click on the individual photos to see a bigger version. Right-click the bigger version and Save Image As to save it to your computer.
Tiffany Truscott (Radio Cornwall)Tiffany Truscott with the Grand Bard, Elizabeth Carne, MelennekDeborah Tritton, Project Lead with Kim Cooper, Library OfficerKim CooperGareth and Pat Parry, Co-organisersGareth ParryJenefer Lowe, Class 1 Co-ordinatorJenny Daniel, Class 3 Co-ordinatorIvor Corkell, Class 5b Co-ordinator with Tiffany TruscottTiffany Truscott interviewing the Grand Bard and Pat ParrySome of the winning booksSome of the winning booksElizabeth Carne, Melennek, Grand Bard of Gorsedh Kernow