Gorsedh Kernow’s 2022 Holyer an Gof Publishers’ Awards ceremony was held ‘live’ for the first time in three ye ars on Saturday 16th. July at Kresen Kernow in Redruth by kind permission of Deborah Tritton, Archive Services Manager. Certificates and cups were presented to nominated and winning publishers and authors by Deputy Grand Bard, Jenefer Lowe, Gwythvosen. Guests were able to enjoy a glass of wine and the chance to review the entries this year and chat to other entrants. During the interval Richard Trethewey, one of the nominated authors, played and sang two songs from his book Story Singer. The occasion was compered by BBC Radio Cornwall presenter Tiffany Truscott.
The list of nominations is here, with winners marked in red. https://gorsedhkernow.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/NominationsWithWinners22.pdf