This year’s Gorsedh Proclamation will take place on Saturday April 30th. This will be our first event in Hayle and proclaims that the main Gorsedh will take place in Hayle on September 3rd this year.
10.45 Procession from the Hayle Day Care Centre, Copperhouse
11am Ceremony in the garden behind the library
The Gorsedh Kernow Proclamation ceremony is very similar to but much shorter than the main Bardic ceremony but the same elements are present – an official welcome by a representative of the townspeople, the sounding of the Horn to the four parts of Cornwall and the cry of Peace! The Proclamation ceremony is also the first opportunity for everyone present to see who has been chosen to represent the town as the Lady of the Flowers and there is always a welcome to Celts from England and overseas before the Grand Bard of Cornwall closes the ceremony with everyone singing “Old Land Of Our Fathers” , the cry of “Peace!” and the Grand Bard’s final words “Until we meet again.”