Gool Peran yn Lannstefan 2022

Friday 4th March 2022

09:45 Schools meet in the grounds of Launceston Castle
10:00 The Children’s Parade, joined by the Mayor, Mayoress and councillors, parade up to Launceston Town Square
10:30 The parade congregates in the Square and Broad Street with schools allocated to their own ‘bubbles’.
Welcome by the Mayor.
Town Crier, Cornish Bard, Rob Tremain tells story of St. Piran and introduces other guest speakers.
Children sing 3 songs and participate in 2 simple dances.
Prayer by Mayor’s Chaplain.
11:30 Parade leaves the Square, down High Street, passing Eagle House Hotel to disperse from the Castle grounds

Saturday 5th March 2022 (24th Year of our celebrations in Lanson)

18.00 Meet at Launceston Castle.
Welcome by Town Crier.
Cornish Piper, Rob Strike pipes down the Cornish Flag which has been flying from the Castle all day.
Process to Town Square. Speech and talk on St. Piran.
Process to the Bell Inn, Tower Street for an evening of Cornish music and song. Refreshments provided by landlady (donations)
21.00 Join the Trelawny Shout.