Adult winners of Gorsedh Kernow Awen medals and certificates of recognition and some of the winning young people received their awards from Grand Bard Pol Hodge at a ceremony in Callington Town Hall on Friday 6th. September. Details of the Awards scheme can be found under GK Awards on this website.
Photographer – Gareth Parry. To see the full image, left-click the thumbnail. To download the image, right-click the thumbnail and Save Link As.

Compere Tamsin Spargo

Scarlett Freckleton

Maureen Fuller for Trevor Smitheram

Luxulyan School

MADE Cornwall – The Music and Dance Education Trust


Guy Potter

Debbie Priest for daughter Heather Kathryn Rothney

Julian German for the Cornish Translation Service

Dean Evans

Emilie Champliaud with Richard Tal-e-bot

Peter John Chalkley

Will Coleman

Entertainer Richard Trethewey