2021 Holyer an Gof Awards winners announced

Gorsedh Kernow is pleased to announce the winners of the annual Holyer an Gof Publishers’ Awards scheme. 

Established and organised by Gorsedh Kernow to encourage publishing in Cornwall, this year’s winners were chosen from the best, recently published books about Cornwall, set in Cornwall or in Kernewek (the Cornish language).

“Sadly, we’ve not been able to hold our usual gala awards event for a second time because of Covid-19 restrictions. In its place people involved in the scheme plus the Grand Bard of Gorsedh Kernow Elizabeth Carne (Melennek), Tiffany Truscott from Radio Cornwall, Deborah Tritton (Kresen Kernow Project Lead) and Kim Cooper (Library Officer) met in the atmospheric surroundings of Kresen Kernow in Redruth to record a virtual ceremony with the help of recordists Jon and Keith Shaw.  The resulting video, a photo gallery of participants and a full list of winners can be seen here:  https://gorsedhkernow.org.uk/holyer-an-gof-virtual-ceremony/ Congratulations – keslowena –  to all winners’,  said Holyer an Gof co-organiser Professor Gareth Parry, Mab Meliner Gwlan.

The ‘Holyer year’ begins again on November 1st. 2021.  If you are the publishers of a 2021 book about Cornwall, set in Cornwall or in the Cornish language (Kernewek), please visit the website www.holyerangofawards.org.uk nearer the time for information about entry.  If you know of a 2021 book which fulfils the criteria, please let us know at enquiries@holyerangofawards.org.uk.  Holyer an Gof’s organisers and reader-reviewers are keeping their fingers crossed for next year!

The winners of the 2021 Gorsedh Kernow Holyer an Gof Publisher’s Awards are:

Class 1 Publications in the Cornish language

Class 1a Cornish language books for teaching

Bora Brav by Polin Prys pub. Kesva an Taves Kernewek

Class 1b Cornish language books for children

The Story of St. PIran by Tom Gainey pub. Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek

Class 1c Cornish language books for adults

The Charter Fragment and Pascon Agan Arluth by Nicholas Williams, Michael Everson and Alan M. Kent pub. Evertype

Class 1d Books translated into Cornish

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte trans. Nicholas Williams pub. Evertype

Class 2 Books for children

Class 2a Books for children of primary age

The Sleeping Garden by Sarah Hewitt pub. Mabecron Books

Class 2b Books for young adults

Arthur’s Kingdom by Rosie Morgan pub. Liscarret Creations

Class 3 Fiction for adults

Class 3a Literary Fiction

Through the Granite Mirror by Pauline Sheppard pub. United Writers’ Publications Ltd.

Class 3b General Fiction

The House of Trelawney by Hannah Rothschild pub. Bloomsbury Publishing

Class 4 Poetry and Drama

Class 4a Poetry

Invisible Borders edited by Linda Cleary pub. Hypatia Publications

Class 5 Non fiction

Class 5a Non Fiction – Social, Cultural and Political History

An American Uprising by Kate Werran pub. Pen and Sword

Class 5b Non fiction – Science, Environment and Industrial / Marine

A Flora of Cornwall by Colin French pub. Wheal Seton Press

Class 5c Non fiction – Leisure and Lifestyle

Cornish Waves by Michael Lacey pub. Waves Gallery

Class 5d Non fiction – Memoir

The Wild Silence by Raynor Winn pub. Michael Joseph

Class 6 Booklets

Above the Tin Stream by Mike O’Connor and Barbara Griggs pub. Lyngham House


The Holyer an Gof Cup – awarded to one of the winners in classes 1 – 4

Through the Granite Mirror by Pauline Sheppard pub. United Writers’ Publications Ltd.

The Federation of Old Cornwall Societies (FOCS) Holyer an Gof Cup – awarded to one of the winners in classes 5 and 6.

A Flora of Cornwall by Colin French pub. Wheal Seton Press

The Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek Cup – awarded for the best original fiction work in Cornish or translation into Cornish:

The Story of St. PIran by Tom Gainey pub. Kowethas an Yeth Kernewek

The Ann Trevenen Jenkin Cup – awarded for authorship in Class 2, books for children and young adults:

The Sleeping Garden by Sarah Hewitt pub. Mabecron Books

The Holyer an Gof Publishers’ Awards scheme website carries lists of submitted books in 2020, nominated publications and the list of winners this year.  https//www.holyerangofawards.org.uk