Gorsedh Kernow Awards - Adult

The Grand Bard, Elizabeth Carne, and the Gorsedh Kernow Awards panel are pleased to announce this year’s winners of the prestigious Awen medal, together with a number of named awards for outstanding achievement. Award winners are honoured for promoting the Celtic spirit of Cornwall through creative or community work.
All award winners are also listed here. Click the names to see a poster or right-click and 'Save link as' to download a copy. We also have two films featuring a selection of award and competition winners’ work. Adults. Young People. You can download these too - but it takes several minutes.

Bard Meur, Elizabeth Carne Melennek, ha'n bagas Pewasow Gorsedh Kernow yw pes da dhe dheklarya henwyn gwaynyoryon medalen Awen meur y roweth gans niver a bewasow kriys rag kowlwrians a bris. An waynyoryon a bewasow yw enorys rag avonsya an spyrys keltek a Gernow dre ober awenek po ober rag an gemeneth. Yma oll a'n waynyoryon omma ynwedh. Gwrewgh klickya an henwyn rag gweles skrisel po pokyewgh an boton a-dhyghow war an logosen ha dewis 'Gwrewgh gwitha kevren avel' rag iskarge dasskrif. Yma fylm ynwedh gans dewis a ober an waynyoryon. Tevesigyon. Tus Yowynk. Hwi a yll iskarga an re ma ynwedh - mes henn a yll durya nebes mynysesen.

Awards / Pewasow

Grand Bard's Award for outstanding achievement: Mark Jenkin for the film 'Bait'

Mab Hirnans/Stephen Gainey Award for outstanding and distinguished services to the Cornish language: Maureen PIerce

Glenda Hartland Award I. This award and the Glenda Hartland Award II (below) seek to promote active community involvement in Cprnish cultural tradition. Clare Summerson for The Daylight Group

Glenda Hartland Award 2. Emma Mansfield for Diaspora Carols

Mike Hartland Award. This award recognises the importance of traditional music, singing and dance and sport in maintaining Cornwall's distinctive Celtic identity. Matt Blewett for outstanding musical community outreach.

Lowender Peran Award for distinguished performers or performance that provide a connection between Cornish culture and tht of the other Celtic Nations. Jenefer Lowe for ouitstanding contribution to cross-Celtic cultural collaboration.

London Cornish Shield for outstanding services to Cprmwall and Cornish People. Aubrey Lane.

Pewas Map Trevethan / Paul Smales Award for outstanding contribution to Cornwall by someone not resident in Cornwall. Liz Cooke.

Awenekter / Creativity

Vicki Aimers for 'We gathered what we could' artist books

Abigail Brown for Boscawen-Un, artwork in silver

Sherezade Garcia Rangel for 'On the Hill' podcast series.

Mark Harandon for multi-disciplinary creative projects.

Joe Inman for '14 Stories & 39 Lies', a short film.

Aaron Kent & William Arnold for 'The Last Hundred', a collaboration in imagines and words.

Adrian Rodda & An Gof for 'An Gof' performance and CD.

Guy Watson for Cousin Jack's production of 'The Mousehole Cat'.

Kemeneth / Community

Kensa Broadhurst for blogs in and on the Cornish language

Hilary Coleman and Sallu Burley for Redruth Carol Choir

David Hunter & Jackie Moule for Cornwall Youth Theatre Company

Jenna & Morwenna Matthews for promoting Cornish culture through Twin Harmony.

Audrey Metcalfe for long-standing contribution to promoting the Cornish language.

Rebecca Gregson for Trelawny Shout.

Diana & Colin Saxton for promotion of Cornish heritage.

Trevor Smitheram for contribution to community and heritage in Hayle.

Craig Weatherhill for outstanding contribution to Penwith and broader Cornish culture.

Kesstrifow / Competitions

Yeth plen / Cornish language prose. Kensa Broadhurst and Symon Harner

Hwedel Berr / Short story. Matt Underwood.

Rannyeth / Dialect prose. Patricia King and Trevor Smitheram.

Rannyeth / Dialect verse. Patricia King and Trevor Smitheram.

Studhyansow Kernewek / Cornish STudies. Andrew Burt for 'A History, Directory and Gazeteer of the Parish Church of St. Just-in-Penwith, Cornwall' and Denzil Monk for 'Cornish Public Media'.

Skeusenieth / Photography. James Kitto


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