Meur ras Mester Mer a’n dynnargh kuv na. Pur lowen ov vy bos omma avel Bardh Meur yn Boskaswal Wartha ogas dhe’n Delow a’n Denbal rag an solempnita Gwarnyans Gorsedh Kernow.
Thank you Mr Mayor for that warm welcome. I am very pleased to be here as Grand Bard in Pendeen near the Statue of the Miner for the Gorsedh Kernow proclamation ceremony.
Yma plesour bras dhymm dhe ri dhywgh an bardhonek ma skrifys yn arbennek yn agan yeth Kernewek marthys gans Bardh Gwerin, Tim Saunders. Ro ragowgh yw dhe gregi yn agas sodhva an Konsel, avel kov a’n godrik Gorsedh Kernow dhe Lannust ha dhe Voskaswal Wartha.
It gives me great pleasure to present you with this poem specially written in our wonderful Cornish language by Bardh Gwerin, Tim Saunders. A gift for you to hang in your council offices as a reminder of the visit of GK to St Just and Pendeen.
Yth on ni sevys omma a-rag an Bal ikonek ma, ow perthi kov bos lemmyn ogas dhe dheg bledhen war’n ugens a-ban dhegeas Gever gallosek avel le soodh yn few hag ow hwytha owth arveth moy es dew gans den ha hanter yn y vleyn, mes ass yw splann an gwithti yw devedhys, ow tenna milyow godriger pub bledhen hag aga dyski yn kever istori balweyth Kernow. Balweyth yw rann pur bosek agan ertach ha ni a vynn keslowenhe an ober da Ertach Kemeneth Boskaswel Wartha, hag a dhyghtyas yn sewen an le a-dhia 2001.
We stand here in front of this iconic mine, mindful of the fact that it is now almost thirty years since the mighty Geevor closed a living, breathing place of work employing over 250 staff at its peak, but what a wonderful museum it has become, attracting thousands of visitors each year and educating them in the history of Cornish mining. Mining is a very important part of our heritage and we congratulate the hard work of Pendeen Community Heritage which has successfully managed the site since 2001.
An dus val koth Kernow a ledyas an norvys yn balweyth men-kales. Pan dheklinyas balweyth sten, edhom a veu dhe veur a dus hwilas hwel yn broyow ha brastiryow erel, mes hwithrys ens i rag oberi yn balyow oll a-dro dhe’n norvys. Aga bri ha konegeth eth a-ragdha. Nyns o saw an dus val mes ynwedh an ynjynoryon ha’n dhevisoryon a veu dhe’n ragamal a nowedhyow hag avonsyans.
Early Cornish miners led the world in hard-rock mining. When tin mining began to decline many were forced to find work in other lands and continents, but they were sought after to work in mines all over the world. Their reputation and expertise went before them. Not just the miners but the engineers and inventors were at the forefront of innovation and progress.
Ni a borth kov bos hevlena an kansves penn-bloodh an terosa euthyk Levant, pan dorras yn trajek an jynn-den hag unnek den war’n ugens a veu ledhys ha bagas bras a dus erel a veu shyndys – an nessa gwettha terros yn Kernow. Peryllys o aga ober pup-prys, mes an hwarvos euthyk na a grenas kolon gemeneth an ranndir hag yma hwath yn kovheans meur a dus y’n bluw. My a wor bos hwarvosow ow tos diwettha y’n vledhen ma rag merkya an benn-bloodh ha rag perthi kov anedha a gollas aga bewnans.
We also remember that this year marks the 100th anniversary of the dreadful Levant disaster when, tragically, the man engine broke and 31 men were killed and many others injured – the second worst disaster in mining in Cornwall. Theirs was a dangerous job at all times, but that awful event shook the heart of the local community and is still in the living memory of many people in the parish. I know there are events later in the year to commemorate the anniversary and to remember those lives lost.
Yth esa privilej dhymmo vy ow honan kemeres torn yn-dann an dor y’n Gever neb misyow a-wosa y vos deges. Ni a dhiyskynnas yn kowel, ow kwiska basnet ha batri bys dhe’n woles an shafta. Ni a veu kemerys down yn-dann an mor. Ny wrav vy nevra ankevi an prevyans na hag a’m gasas gans estem bras rag an dus re obersa ena dres meur a ourow pub dydh yn studhyow na vyynsyn ni perthi hedhyw.
I myself was privileged to take an underground tour of Geevor not long after it closed. We went down in the cage wearing helmets and batteries to the bottom of the shafts. We were then taken down under the sea. It was an experience I shall never forget and it left me with great admiration for those who had laboured down there for many hours each day in conditions that many of us would not put up with these days.
Y hwaytyav vy dehweles dhe’n pluw ha, gans an verdh erel, ow representya Gorsedh Kernow yn Lannust an 7ves a vis Gwynngala rag an solempnita bledhynnyek yn Plen an Gwari, avel rann an Esedhvos Gonisogeth Kernow. My a wor bos pubonan owth oberi yn ta rag gul an hwarvos sewen. Kernow Bys Vykken!
I look forward to returning to the parish and, along with my fellow bards, representing Gorsedh Kernow in St Just on 7th September for the annual Bardic ceremony in the Plen an Gwari as part of the Esedhvos Festival of Cornish Culture. I know that everyone is working hard to make the event a great success. Cornwall For Ever!
Bardh Meur Kernow
Elizabeth Carne
Grand Bard of Cornwall
Photographs https://gorsedhkernow.org.uk/Galleries/Proclamation2019.html